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WAC 388-865-0785: Rights related to antipsychotic medications

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-865 > Section 388-865-0785



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-865-0785

Rights related to antipsychotic medications.

All persons have a right to make an informed decision regarding the use of antipsychotic medication consistent with the provisions of RCW 71.05.215 and 71.05.217. The crisis stabilization unit must develop and maintain a written protocol for the involuntary administration of antipsychotic medications, including the following requirements:
(1) The clinical record must document:
(a) The physician's attempt to obtain informed consent for antipsychotic medication;
(b) The reasons why any antipsychotic medication is administered over the person's objection or lack of consent.
(2) The physician may administer antipsychotic medications over a person's objections or lack of consent only when:
(a) An emergency exists. An emergency exists if:
(i) The person presents an imminent likelihood of serious harm to self or others;
(ii) Medically acceptable alternatives to administration of antipsychotic medications are not available or are unlikely to be successful; and
(iii) In the opinion of the physician, the person's condition constitutes an emergency requiring that treatment be instituted before obtaining a concurring opinion by a second physician.
(b) There is a concurring opinion by a second physician for treatment up to thirty days.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71.05.020, 71.24.035, and 2007 c 375. WSR 08-14-079, § 388-865-0785, filed 6/26/08, effective 7/27/08.]