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WAC 332-18-05008: Enforcement of penalties

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 332 > Chapter 332-18 > Section 332-18-05008



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WAC 332-18-05008

Enforcement of penalties.

If the penalty and/or applicable interest are not paid to the department within thirty days after these become due and payable, the attorney general, upon the request of the department, may bring an action in superior court to recover the penalty or interest. In all such actions, the procedures and rules of evidence shall be the same as in an ordinary civil action except as otherwise provided in the act.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 78.44.040, 34.05.220, 43.21C.135 and 78.44.250. WSR 94-14-051, § 332-18-05008, filed 6/30/94, effective 8/2/94.]