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WAC 36-12-030: Weigh-In

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 36 > Chapter 36-12 > Section 36-12-030



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 36-12-030


(1) Boxers shall be weighed within thirty hours but not less than six hours prior to the scheduled event, at a time and place chosen by the promoter and approved by the department. The weigh-in shall take place in the presence of the department and the promoter or the promoter's representative.
(2) The scales used for weigh-in shall be provided by the promoter and approved by the department.
(3) The weight of each boxer shall be recorded on a form provided by the department and signed by the representative of the department.
(4) If a boxer weighs in within thirty hours, but not less than twelve hours prior to an event's scheduled start time, the boxer shall weigh the weight specified on the boxer/promoter contract referred to in WAC 36-12-360(7). If a boxer weighs more than the weight specified in the boxer/promoter contract, the boxer may:
(a) Lose the weight exceeded in the boxer/promoter contract no later than two hours after the initial weigh-in;
(b) Renegotiate the boxer/promoter contract; or
(c) Not do (a) or (b) of this subsection and the contest will be canceled by the department.
(5) If a boxer weighs-in less than twelve hours prior to an event's scheduled start time, the boxer shall weigh the weight specified in the boxer/promoter contract referred to in WAC 36-12-360(7). If a boxer weighs more than the weight specified in the boxer/promoter contract, the boxer may:
(a) Renegotiate the boxer/promoter contract; or
(b) Not do (a) of this subsection and the contest will be canceled by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.023, 67.08.015, and 67.08.017. WSR 13-21-149, § 36-12-030, filed 10/23/13, effective 12/1/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.08.017, 67.08.105, and 43.24.023. WSR 02-20-094, § 36-12-030, filed 10/1/02, effective 1/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.08.017 (1), (9). WSR 02-03-069, § 36-12-030, filed 1/11/02, effective 2/11/02. Statutory Authority: Chapter 67.08 RCW. WSR 97-01-035, § 36-12-030, filed 12/10/96, effective 1/10/97; WSR 91-11-038, § 36-12-030, filed 5/10/91, effective 6/10/91; Rule .04.030, filed 12/6/67; Rule .04.030, filed 9/22/60, 3/17/60.]