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WAC 137-67-015: Definitions

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 137 > Chapter 137-67 > Section 137-67-015



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 137-67-015


(1) "Department" is the department of corrections.
(2) "Adult correctional institution" and "institution" is a facility identified in RCW 72.01.050(2) and any similar facility hereafter established.
(3) "Secretary" is the secretary of the department of corrections or the secretary's designee.
(4) "Deputy secretary" is the deputy secretary, prisons division, of the Washington state department of corrections or his/her designee.
(5) "Superintendent" is a superintendent of an adult correctional institution or the superintendent's designee.
(6) "Treaty nation" is a country which has entered into a treaty with the United States on the execution of penal sentences.
(7) "Treaty" is a treaty under which an offender, sentenced in the courts of one country, may be transferred to the country of which the offender is a citizen or national, for the purpose of serving the sentence.
(8) "Country of origin or citizenship" is the country in which the inmate was born or in which the inmate has duly recognized citizenship.
(9) "OIA" is the Office of International Affairs, Criminal Division, United States Department of Justice.
(10) "United States" is the United States of America.
(11) "Detainer" is a hold or request for notification placed by any local, state, or federal law enforcement, penal, or prosecutional agency based on untried charges, parole or probation violation, escape, unexpired sentence, bond-jumping, or any other fugitive matter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.01.090. WSR 07-12-073, § 137-67-015, filed 6/5/07, effective 7/6/07; WSR 03-21-088, § 137-67-015, filed 10/17/03, effective 11/17/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 72.68.010. WSR 85-18-061 (Order 85-07), § 137-67-015, filed 9/3/85.]