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WAC 314-02-0412: Are minors restricted from any areas of the hotel premises?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 314 > Chapter 314-02 > Section 314-02-0412



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 314-02-0412

Are minors restricted from any areas of the hotel premises?

(1) If an area of the hotel premises is used primarily for alcohol service on a continuing basis, the area must be designated by the licensee as restricted to access by minors.
(2) The board may restrict alcohol service in areas of the hotel premises where:
(a) The designated area is designed as an attraction for minors; or
(b) Consumption of alcohol in a designated area presents an increased risk to public safety.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.24.590. WSR 08-17-067, § 314-02-0412, filed 8/19/08, effective 9/19/08.]