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WAC 72-120-210: Emergency removal from class or activity

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 72 > Chapter 72-120 > Section 72-120-210



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WAC 72-120-210

Emergency removal from class or activity.

(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a student may be removed immediately from a class, subject, or activity by a certificated teacher or an administrator and sent to the principal or a designated school authority: Provided, That the teacher or administrator has good and sufficient reason to believe that the student's presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students, or school personnel, or an immediate and continuing threat of substantial disruption of the class, subject, activity, or educational process of the school. The removal from classes, subjects, or activities shall continue only until:
(a) The danger or threat ceases; or
(b) The principal or designated school authority acts to impose disciplinary action pursuant to this chapter.
(2) The principal or school authority shall meet with the student as soon as reasonably possible following the student's removal and take appropriate disciplinary action. In no case shall the student's opportunity for such meeting be delayed beyond the commencement of the next school day. Prior to or at the time any such student is returned to the class(es), subject(s), or activity(ies), the principal or school authority shall notify the teacher or administrator who removed the student therefrom of the action which has been taken.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 72.40.022. WSR 90-16-005, § 72-120-210, filed 7/19/90, effective 8/19/90.]