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WAC 172-121-140: Interim Restriction

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 172 > Chapter 172-121 > Section 172-121-140



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 172-121-140

Interim restriction.

In situations where there is cause to believe that a student or a student organization endangers the health, safety, or welfare of themselves, the university community, or property of the university community, the dean of students may take immediate action(s) against the student or student organization without prior notice or hearing.
Simultaneous with such action(s), the dean of students will refer the charges to the conduct review officer, who will process such charges in accordance with the provisions of this student conduct code.
Interim restriction is subject to the following:
(1) Interim restriction actions may only be imposed in the following situations:
(a) When a student or student organization poses an immediate threat to:
(i) The health, safety or welfare of any part of the university community or public at large;
(ii) The student's own physical safety and well-being; or
(iii) Any property of the university community;
(b) When it is believed that the student's or student organization's continued attendance or presence may cause disorder, substantially interfere with or impede the lawful activities of others, or imperil the physical or mental health and safety of members of the university community; or
(c) When a student is undergoing criminal proceedings for any felony charge.
(2) During the interim restriction period, a student may be restricted by any or all of the following means:
(a) Denial of access, including but not limited to: Assignment to alternate university housing or removal from university housing, limitation of access to university facilities, or restriction of communication with specific individuals or groups;
(b) Interim suspension, including temporary total removal from the university or restriction of access to campus;
(c) Mandatory medical/psychological assessment of the student's capability to remain in the university.
(3) The dean of students will determine what restriction(s) will be placed on a student.
(4) All interim restrictions that involve any type of restriction from any university premises will be accomplished by giving a notice against trespass. The notice against trespass may be given by any manner specified in WAC 172-122-200.
(5) The dean of students will prepare a brief memorandum for record containing the reasons for the interim restriction. The dean of students will forward copies of the memorandum for record by personal delivery or by U.S. mail to the restricted student, student rights and responsibilities, and all other persons or offices bound by it. At a minimum, the memorandum will state:
(a) The alleged act(s) or behavior(s) of the student or student organization which prompted the interim restriction;
(b) How those alleged act(s) or behavior(s) constitute a violation of the student conduct code; and
(c) How the circumstances of the case necessitated the interim restriction action(s).
(6) In all such cases, the student or student organization may appeal the interim restriction to the vice-president for student affairs. The challenge must be submitted, in writing, within ten business days after the interim restriction action is taken, unless the student requests an extension. Requests for extension will only be granted to review the following issues:
(a) The reliability of the information concerning the student's behavior; and
(b) Whether the student's continued presence or prior or present behavior warrants interim restriction for the causes listed in subsection (1) of this section.
(7) As a result of the challenge, the vice-president for student affairs will schedule a meeting with the accused. The vice-president for student affairs may have the dean of students or any other person deemed relevant attend the meeting. The accused may have an advisor present at the meeting so long as the name of that person is provided to the director of SRR at least two business days prior to the scheduled meeting.
(8) During the appeal meeting, the vice-president for student affairs will review available materials and statements. After the meeting, the vice-president for student affairs may uphold, modify, or terminate the interim restriction action.
(9) The interim restriction does not replace the regular hearing process, which will proceed consistent with this chapter.
(10) Duration. An interim restriction will remain in effect until terminated, in writing, by the student disciplinary council or the vice-president for student affairs.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 13-24-123, § 172-121-140, filed 12/4/13, effective 1/4/14; WSR 09-12-001, § 172-121-140, filed 5/20/09, effective 6/20/09.]