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WAC 484-20-070: State veterans home benefit fund

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 484 > Chapter 484-20 > Section 484-20-070



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 484-20-070

State veterans home benefit fund.

(1) Each veterans home shall maintain a benefit fund into which all private donations, bequeaths, and gifts to the facility shall be deposited.
(2) The resident council shall participate in the identification of resident and facility needs for benefit fund solicitations.
(3) The resident council shall develop proposals for expenditures from the benefit fund. The minutes of the resident council meetings shall reflect the council's discussion and decision-making process related to proposed benefit fund expenditures. Facility fiscal staff may assist the resident council in the development of expenditure proposals as requested. The resident council shall ensure all areas of the state veterans home, including the medicaid certified nursing facility, are represented during the council's discussion and decision-making process related to proposed benefit fund expenditures.
(4) Expenditures from the benefit fund shall be made as approved by the resident council and authorized by the superintendent. Whenever individuals or groups have made a donation, bequeath or gift to a state veterans home and have designated a specific purpose for such donation, bequeath or gift, the resident council and the superintendent shall take such designated purpose into account when approving expenditure of the funds. Should the resident council and the superintendent disagree over an expenditure approved by the resident council, the resident council or the superintendent may request a review by the director.
(5) Disbursements from the benefit fund shall be for the benefit and welfare of the residents of the respective state veterans home.
(6) The resident council shall receive monthly reports of income to and expenditures from the benefit fund.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070 and chapter 72.36 RCW. WSR 94-22-050, § 484-20-070, filed 10/31/94, effective 12/1/94. Statutory Authority: RCW 43.60A.070. WSR 92-17-046, § 484-20-070, filed 8/14/92, effective 9/14/92; WSR 85-20-099 (Order 85-01), § 484-20-070, filed 10/1/85; WSR 80-09-069 (Order 80-01), § 484-20-070, filed 7/17/80; Order 7659, § 484-20-070, filed 7/28/77.]