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WAC 314-40-030: Constitution-Bylaws-House rules

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 314 > Chapter 314-40 > Section 314-40-030



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 314-40-030

Constitution—Bylaws—House rules.

(1) No license shall be issued to any organization or club unless its constitution, bylaws, and house rules are submitted to the board as evidence that the applicant qualifies as a bona fide club under provisions of state liquor laws and regulations.
(2) The constitution, bylaws and/or house rules shall provide, among other things:
(a) That all classifications of members must be admitted only after written application and only after investigation and ballot. Such admissions must be duly recorded in the official minutes of a regular meeting;
(b) Standards of eligibility for members;
(c) Limitation on the number of members consistent with the nature of the organization or club;
(d) That not more than twelve honorary members be admitted in any one calendar year, and that nonresident and associate members be restricted to numbers consistent with the nature of the organization or club;
(e) Reasonable initiation fees and dues consistent with the nature and purpose of the organization or club;
(f) The period for which dues shall be paid and the date upon which this period shall expire;
(g) Reasonable regulations for the dropping of members for the nonpayment of dues;
(h) Strict regulations for the government of organization or club rooms and quarters generally consistent with its nature and character;
(i) That organization or club rooms and quarters must be under the supervision of a manager and house committee, which committee shall be appointed by the governing body of the organization or club;
(j) Provisions for visitors and for the issuance and use of guest and courtesy cards in accordance with WAC 314-40-040.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030 and 66.24.450. WSR 10-16-056, § 314-40-030, filed 7/28/10, effective 8/28/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 66.08.030. WSR 93-11-028, § 314-40-030, filed 5/10/93, effective 6/10/93; Order 19, § 314-40-030, filed 8/10/72; Rule 105, filed 6/13/63.]