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§23-25-3  Declaration of purpose. –

Published: 2015

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Health and Safety


Pesticide Control

SECTION 23-25-3

   § 23-25-3  Declaration of purpose. –

The purpose of this chapter is to regulate, in the public interest, the

labeling, distribution, sale, storage, transportation, use and application, and

disposal of pesticides as defined in this chapter. The general assembly finds

that pesticides are valuable to our state's agricultural production and to the

protection of human life and the environment from insects, rodents, weeds, and

other forms of life which may be pests; but it is essential to the public

health and welfare that they be regulated to prevent adverse effects on human

life and the environment. New pesticides are continually being discovered,

synthesized, or developed which are valuable for the control of pests and for

use as defoliants, desiccants, and plant regulators. Those pesticides may be

ineffective, may cause injury to man, or may cause unreasonable adverse effects

on the environment if not properly used. Pesticides may injure human life or

animals, either by direct poisoning or by gradual accumulation of pesticide

residues in the tissue. Crops or other plants may also be injured by their

improper use. The drifting or washing of pesticides into streams, lakes, or

other bodies of water may cause appreciable damage to aquatic life. A pesticide

applied for the purpose of killing pests in a crop which is not itself injured

by the pesticide, may drift and injure other crops or non-target organisms with

which it comes in contact. It is deemed necessary to provide for regulation of


History of Section.

(P.L. 1976, ch. 191, § 2; G.L. 1956, § 23-41.1-3; P.L. 1979, ch. 39,

§ 1.)