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WAC 162-12-120: General Approach

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 162 > Chapter 162-12 > Section 162-12-120



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 162-12-120

General approach.

(1) Inquiries that convey to a reasonable person that applicants in a protected class will be discriminated against are prohibited whether or not they are connected to a discriminatory purpose.
(2) The commission recognizes the legitimate interests of employers and employment agencies with respect to making preemployment inquiries that are consistent with the purpose of the law against discrimination, or where required by government or to carry out an employer's policy of nondiscrimination. In the absence of safeguards, preemployment inquiries or records of applicants' protected status can be misused for discriminatory purposes. The rules in WAC 162-12-140 identify common fair and unfair preemployment inquiries so that employers and employment agencies do not convey the impression that applicants will be discriminated against based on protected status.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.60.120(3). WSR 00-01-177, § 162-12-120, filed 12/21/99, effective 1/21/00; WSR 96-21-054, § 162-12-120, filed 10/14/96, effective 11/14/96; Order 16, § 162-12-120, filed 5/22/74; Order 9, § 162-12-120, filed 9/23/71; § 162-12-120, filed 10/23/67.]