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WAC 220-88-040: Trial commercial fishery permits

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 220 > Chapter 220-88 > Section 220-88-040


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WAC 220-88-040

Trial commercial fishery permits.

(1) Applications for trial commercial fishery permits must specify the species, fishing area, and fishing method to be used.
(2) The department will respond to any request for a trial commercial fishery permit within sixty days of receiving the application.
(3) Only persons who hold a commercial fishing license under chapter 77.65 RCW for the gear that will be used with the trial commercial fishery permit, or persons who own a vessel that holds such a commercial fishing license, are eligible to hold a trial commercial fishery permit. A trial commercial fishery permit is supplemental to a commercial fishing license, and may not be used unless the fisher or the fisher's vessel is currently licensed.
(4) The director will issue a trial commercial fishery permit for a newly classified species only after the director has by rule classified the species as a food fish or shellfish in chapter 220-12 WAC. If emergency classification is required, the director will issue the trial commercial fishery permit only for the period of emergency classification, and will not renew the permit unless the department has received a request for permanent classification at least two weeks before the end of the permit period.
(5) The director may redesignate a trial commercial fishery as an emerging or expanding commercial fishery if the director finds that there is a need to limit participation. A trial commercial fishery permit for that fishery does not guarantee future eligibility for an experimental fishery permit.
(6) The director may at any time close a trial commercial fishery for conservation reasons.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.353 (1)(b), (c), and (d), 77.12.047, 77.50.050, and chapters 77.65 and 77.70 RCW. WSR 12-09-046 (Order 12-61), § 220-88-040, filed 4/13/12, effective 5/14/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080. WSR 92-19-012 (Order 92-89), § 220-88-040, filed 9/3/92, effective 10/4/92.]