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WAC 332-14-060: Coal option contract and coal mining lease-Area-Term

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 332 > Chapter 332-14 > Section 332-14-060



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 332-14-060

Coal option contract and coal mining lease—Area—Term.

One government surveyed section of land or up to 640 acres, whichever is the larger area, may be the subject of a coal option contract or a coal mining lease. The term of a coal option contract may not exceed one year. The term of a coal mining lease may not exceed twenty years. The acreage in a single application does not need to be contiguous. The total area of a coal option contract or a coal mining lease shall be limited to a logical mining unit as determined by the department.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 79.01.668. WSR 85-10-040 (Order 443), § 332-14-060, filed 4/29/85.]