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§5-3.1-13  Revocation or suspension of practice unit permit. –

Published: 2015

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Businesses and Professions


Public Accountancy

SECTION 5-3.1-13

   § 5-3.1-13  Revocation or suspension of

practice unit permit. –

After notice and a hearing as provided in § 5-3.1-14, the board may revoke

or suspend the permit of any practice unit issued under § 5-3.1-9 if at

any time the practice unit fails to meet all the qualifications prescribed

under § 5-3.1-9. After notice and a hearing as provided in §

5-3.1-14, the board may revoke or suspend the permit of a practice unit issued

under § 5-3.1-9, and may censure in writing, limit the scope of practice,

impose an administrative fine upon, not to exceed one thousand dollars

($1,000), or place on probation, all with or without terms, conditions, or

limitations, the holder of the permit, for any cause enumerated in §

5-3.1-12 and for any of the following additional causes:

   (1) With respect to any type of partnership and corporate

practice units, the revocation or suspension of the certificate or authority

of, or the revocation, suspension, or refusal by the board to renew the permit

of, any partner, shareholder, or member of the partnership or corporate

practice units; and

   (2) Cancellation, revocation, suspension, or refusal to renew

the permit of the practice unit, or of any partner, shareholder, or member or

of the sole proprietor, to practice public accounting in any other state by

that state for any cause other than failure to pay a fee or to meet the

requirements of continuing education in that other state.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1995, ch. 159, § 2; P.L. 2001, ch. 336, § 1.)