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Section: 589.0414 Registrant's duties on change of address--time limitations for certain notifications--change in online identifiers, duty to report. RSMO 589.414

Published: 2015

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Missouri Revised Statutes

Chapter 589

Crime Prevention and Control Programs and Services


Section 589.414.1


August 28, 2015

Registrant's duties on change of address--time limitations for certain notifications--change in online identifiers, duty to report.

589.414. 1. Any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to

register shall, not later than three business days after each change of name,

residence within the county or city not within a county at which the offender

is registered, employment, or student status, appear in person to the chief

law enforcement officer of the county or city not within a county and inform

such officer of all changes in the information required by the offender. The

chief law enforcement officer shall immediately forward the registrant changes

to the Missouri state highway patrol within three business days.

2. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register

changes such person's residence or address to a different county or city not

within a county, the person shall appear in person and shall inform both the

chief law enforcement official with whom the person last registered and the

chief law enforcement official of the county or city not within a county

having jurisdiction over the new residence or address in writing within three

business days of such new address and phone number, if the phone number is

also changed. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to

register changes their state of residence, the person shall appear in person

and shall inform both the chief law enforcement official with whom the person

was last registered and the chief law enforcement official of the area in the

new state having jurisdiction over the new residence or address within three

business days of such new address. Whenever a registrant changes residence,

the chief law enforcement official of the county or city not within a county

where the person was previously registered shall inform the Missouri state

highway patrol of the change within three business days. When the registrant

is changing the residence to a new state, the Missouri state highway patrol

shall inform the responsible official in the new state of residence within

three business days.

3. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, the following offenders shall report in person to the chief law

enforcement agency every ninety days to verify the information contained in

their statement made pursuant to section 589.407:

(1) Any offender registered as a predatory or persistent sexual offender

under the definitions found in section 558.018;

(2) Any offender who is registered for a crime where the victim was less

than eighteen years of age at the time of the offense; and

(3) Any offender who has pled guilty or been found guilty pursuant to

section 589.425 of failing to register or submitting false information when


4. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all registrants shall report semiannually in person in the month of

their birth and six months thereafter to the chief law enforcement agency to

verify the information contained in their statement made pursuant to section

589.407. All registrants shall allow the chief law enforcement officer to

take a current photograph of the offender in the month of his or her birth to

the chief law enforcement agency.

5. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all Missouri registrants who work or attend school or training on a

full-time or part-time basis in any other state shall be required to report

in person to the chief law enforcement officer in the area of the state where

they work or attend school or training and register in that state.

"Part-time" in this subsection means for more than seven days in any

twelve-month period.

6. If a person, who is required to register as a sexual offender under

sections 589.400 to 589.425, changes or obtains a new online identifier as

defined in section 43.651, the person shall report such information in the

same manner as a change of residence before using such online identifier.

(L. 1997 H.B. 883, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1405, et al., A.L. 2000 S.B. 757 &

602, A.L. 2003 S.B. 5 merged with S.B. 184, A.L. 2006 H.B. 1698,

et al., A.L. 2008 S.B. 714, et al.)

(2009) Section is constitutional and does not operate retrospectively

for those who committed offenses prior to its effective date as

long as plea or conviction occurred after effective date. State

v. Holden, 278 S.W.3d 674 (Mo.banc).

(2011) Section requiring sex offenders to report change in employment

status does not violate constitutional prohibition against

retrospective laws as applied to offender whose conviction

predated statute's enactment. State v. Guyer, 353 S.W.3d 458


(2012 Section requires updating status on sexual offense registry

within three days of changing residence, rather than updating

status only after obtaining new permanent residence. State v.

Kelly, 367 S.W.3d 629 (Mo.App.E.D.).





589.414. 1. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to

register changes residence or address within the same county or city not

within a county as such person's previous address, the person shall inform

the chief law enforcement official in writing within ten days of such new

address and phone number, if the phone number is also changed.

2. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register

changes such person's residence or address to a different county, the

person shall appear in person and shall inform both the chief law

enforcement official with whom the person last registered and the chief law

enforcement official of the county or city not within a county having

jurisdiction over the new residence or address in writing within ten days

of such new address and phone number, if the phone number is also changed.

If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register changes

their state of residence, the person shall appear in person and shall

inform both the chief law enforcement official with whom the person was

last registered and the chief law enforcement official of the area in the

new state having jurisdiction over the new residence or address within ten

days of such new address. Whenever a registrant changes residence, the

chief law enforcement official of the county or city not within a county

where the person was previously registered shall promptly inform the

Missouri state highway patrol of the change. When the registrant is

changing the residence to a new state, the Missouri state highway patrol

shall promptly inform the responsible official in the new state of


3. Any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register who

changes his or her enrollment or employment status with any institution of

higher education within this state, by either beginning or ending such

enrollment or employment, shall inform the chief law enforcement officer of

such change within seven days after such change is made.

4. Any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register who

officially changes such person's name shall inform the chief law

enforcement officer of such name change within seven days after such change

is made.

5. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, the following offenders shall report in person to the chief law

enforcement agency every ninety days to verify the information contained in

their statement made pursuant to section 589.407:

(1) Any offender registered as a predatory or persistent sexual

offender under the definitions found in section 558.018, RSMo;

(2) Any offender who is registered for a crime where the victim was

less than eighteen years of age at the time of the offense; and

(3) Any offender who has pled guilty or been found guilty pursuant to

section 589.425 of failing to register or submitting false information when


6. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all registrants shall report semiannually in person in the month

of their birth and six months thereafter to the chief law enforcement

agency to verify the information contained in their statement made pursuant

to section 589.407. All registrants shall provide an updated photograph of

himself or herself in the month of his or her birth to the chief law

enforcement agency. The photograph must depict a clear likeness of the

registrant or the registrant shall be in violation of this section.

7. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all Missouri registrants who work or attend school or training on

a full-time or part-time basis in any other state shall be required to

report in person to the chief law enforcement officer in the area of the

state where they work or attend school or training and register in that

state. "Part-time" in this subsection means for more than fourteen days in

any twelve-month period.


589.414. 1. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to

register changes residence or address within the same county as such person's

previous address, the person shall inform the chief law enforcement official

in writing within ten days of such new address and phone number, if the phone

number is also changed.

2. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register

changes such person's residence or address to a different county, the person

shall appear in person and shall inform both the chief law enforcement

official with whom the person last registered and the chief law enforcement

official of the county having jurisdiction over the new residence or address

in writing within ten days of such new address and phone number, if the phone

number is also changed. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425

to register changes their state of residence, the person shall appear in

person and shall inform both the chief law enforcement official with whom the

person was last registered and the chief law enforcement official of the area

in the new state having jurisdiction over the new residence or address within

ten days of such new address. Whenever a registrant changes residence, the

chief law enforcement official of the county where the person was previously

registered shall promptly inform the Missouri state highway patrol of the

change. When the registrant is changing the residence to a new state, the

Missouri state highway patrol shall promptly inform the responsible official

in the new state of residence.

3. Any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register who

changes his or her enrollment or employment status with any institution of

higher education within this state, by either beginning or ending such

enrollment or employment, shall inform the chief law enforcement officer of

such change within seven days after such change is made.

4. Any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register who

officially changes such person's name shall inform the chief law enforcement

officer of such name change within seven days after such change is made.

5. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, the following offenders shall report in person to the county law

enforcement agency every ninety days to verify the information contained in

their statement made pursuant to section 589.407:

(1) Any offender registered as a predatory or persistent sexual offender

under the definitions found in section 558.018, RSMo;

(2) Any offender who is registered for a crime where the victim was less

than eighteen years of age at the time of the offense; and

(3) Any offender who has pled guilty or been found guilty pursuant to

section 589.425 of failing to register or submitting false information when


6. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all registrants shall report annually in person in the month of their

birth to the county law enforcement agency to verify the information contained

in their statement made pursuant to section 589.407.

7. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all Missouri registrants who work or attend school or training on a

full-time or part-time basis in any other state shall be required to report in

person to the chief law enforcement officer in the area of the state where

they work or attend school or training and register in that state.

"Part-time" in this subsection means for more than fourteen days in any

twelve-month period.


589.414. 1. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to

register changes residence or address within the same county as such

person's previous address, the person shall inform the chief law

enforcement official in writing within ten days of such new address and

phone number, if the phone number is also changed.

2. If any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register

changes such person's residence or address to a different county, the

person shall appear in person and shall inform both the chief law

enforcement official with whom the person last registered and the chief law

enforcement official of the county having jurisdiction over the new

residence or address in writing within ten days, of such new address and

phone number, if the phone number is also changed. If any person required

by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register changes their state of

residence, the person shall appear in person and shall inform both the

chief law enforcement official with whom the person was last registered and

the chief law enforcement official of the area in the new state having

jurisdiction over the new residence or address within ten days of such new

address. Whenever a registrant changes residence, the chief law

enforcement official of the county where the person was previously

registered shall promptly inform the Missouri state highway patrol of the

change. When the registrant is changing the residence to a new state, the

Missouri state highway patrol shall promptly inform the responsible

official in the new state of residence.

3. Any person required by sections 589.400 to 589.425 to register who

officially changes such person's name shall inform the chief law

enforcement officer of such name change within seven days after such change

is made.

4. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, the following offenders shall report in person to the county law

enforcement agency every ninety days to verify the information contained in

their statement made pursuant to section 589.407:

(1) Any offender registered as a predatory or persistent sexual

offender under the definitions found in section 558.018, RSMo;

(2) Any offender who is registered for a crime where the victim was

less than eighteen years of age at the time of the offense; and

(3) Any offender who has pled guilty or been found guilty pursuant to

section 589.425 of failing to register or submitting false information when


5. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all registrants shall report annually in person in the month of

their birth to the county law enforcement agency to verify the information

contained in their statement made pursuant to section 589.407.

6. In addition to the requirements of subsections 1 and 2 of this

section, all Missouri registrants who work or attend school or training on

a full-time or part-time basis in any other state shall be required to

report in person to the chief law enforcement officer in the area of the

state where they work or attend school or training and register in that

state. Part-time in this subsection means for more than fourteen days in

any twelve-month period.


Missouri General Assembly

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