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WAC 296-96-07021: What are the requirements for existing inclined private residence elevators?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-96 > Section 296-96-07021



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 296-96-07021

What are the requirements for existing inclined private residence elevators?

Inclined private residence elevators must comply with the rules adopted by the department that were in effect at the time the elevator was permitted, regardless of whether the rule(s) has been repealed, unless any new rule specifically states that it applies to all conveyances, regardless of when the conveyance was permitted. Copies of previous rules adopted by the department are available upon request.
If the department determines that an inclined private residence elevator was installed without a permit and/or without an inspection the conveyance will be required to comply with the current rules adopted by the department unless you are able to provide documentation determining the date the conveyance was installed (e.g., sales receipts, building permits, or other appropriate documentation).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.87.020, 70.87.030, 70.87.034, 70.87.120, 70.87.185, 70.87.190, 2002 c 98, 2003 c 143 and 2004 c 66. WSR 04-12-047, § 296-96-07021, filed 5/28/04, effective 6/30/04.]