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WAC 372-36-020: Promulgation

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 372 > Chapter 372-36 > Section 372-36-020



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 372-36-020


The following regulations regarding the discharge of waste products to the canals, drains, wasteways, reservoirs and groundwaters of the Columbia Basin Irrigation Project Area and the minimum standards for the treatment and disposal of sewage and industrial wastes in this area are hereby adopted and promulgated.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.216.001 [43.21B.001] and chapter 43.21A RCW. WSR 88-13-029 (Order 88-62), § 372-36-020, filed 6/8/88; Rule .04.241, filed 3/1/60.]