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WAC 192-270-070: Modifying a training plan

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 192 > Chapter 192-270 > Section 192-270-070



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 192-270-070

Modifying a training plan.

(1) You must notify the department prior to making a significant modification to your approved training plan. A significant modification is one that impacts any of the approval criteria listed in WAC 192-270-050 and includes, but is not limited to, changes in:
(a) Your course of study or major;
(b) The educational institution;
(c) The projected start or end dates for the training; or
(d) Your enrolled credit hours.
(2) The department must determine your continued eligibility for training benefits any time you make a significant modification to your training plan, using the criteria listed in WAC 192-270-050 (1)(b)-(g). Except for dislocated workers eligible under RCW 50.22.155 (2)(a)(i), approval of a modification that increases the projected cost of the training is subject to the availability of funding. The department will conditionally pay benefits on a modified training plan until the modification is approved or denied.
(3) In general, you may make a significant modification to your plan one time. Subsequent modifications will not be approved except in unusual individual circumstances. However, this restriction does not apply while you are enrolled in educational courses that are a prerequisite to vocational training.
(4) Except for dislocated workers eligible under RCW 50.22.155 (2)(a)(i), if you modified your training plan without approval by the department, and that modification is subsequently disapproved, you are ineligible for training benefits for at least five years.
(5) Any benefits paid for a modified training plan that is not approved by the department constitute an overpayment and are subject to recovery under RCW 50.20.190.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 50.12.010, 50.12.040, and 50.22.155(12). WSR 12-09-025, § 192-270-070, filed 4/6/12, effective 7/1/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 50.12.010, 50.20.010, and 50.22.150(10). WSR 01-11-085, § 192-270-070, filed 5/16/01, effective 6/16/01.]