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§21-28-3.30  Persons exempt from restrictions on possession of controlled substances. –

Published: 2015

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Food And Drugs


Uniform Controlled Substances Act

ARTICLE 21-28-3.01

Regulation of Manufacturing, Distributing, Prescribing, Administering, and

Dispensing Controlled Substances

SECTION 21-28-3.30

   § 21-28-3.30  Persons exempt from

restrictions on possession of controlled substances. –

The provisions of this chapter restricting the possession and having control of

controlled substances shall not apply to:

   (1) Common carriers or to warehouse operators while engaged

in lawfully transporting or storing controlled substances, or to any employee

of them acting within the scope of his or her employment;

   (2) Public officers or their employees in the performance of

their official duties requiring possession or control of controlled substances;

   (3) Temporary incidental possession by employees or agents of

persons lawfully entitled to possession, or by persons whose possession is for

the purpose of aiding public officers in performing their official duties, or

emergency medical personnel in the performance of their official duties; or

   (4) Persons lawfully in possession or control by reason of a

proper order, prescription, license, or registration.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1974, ch. 183, § 2; P.L. 1992, ch. 434, § 1.)