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WAC 181-78A-112: Programs voluntarily rescinding state approval

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 181 > Chapter 181-78A > Section 181-78A-112



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 181-78A-112

Programs voluntarily rescinding state approval.

Approved preparation programs that voluntarily rescind their approval shall be permitted to continue to prepare and recommend for certification candidates who have been previously admitted to the program, provided that no recommendations for certifications will be accepted later than thirty months following receipt of the formal letter to rescind program approval. The program shall notify all currently enrolled candidates of the program's change in status and notify candidates of the thirty-month timeline to apply for certification. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 15-08-023, § 181-78A-112, filed 3/24/15, effective 4/24/15.]