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§42-128-8  Powers And Duties. –

Published: 2015

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State Affairs and Government

CHAPTER 42-128

Rhode Island Housing Resources Act of 1998

SECTION 42-128-8

   § 42-128-8  Powers and duties. –

In order to provide housing opportunities for all Rhode Islanders, to maintain

the quality of housing in Rhode Island, and to coordinate and make effective

the housing responsibilities of the agencies and subdivisions of the state, the

commission shall have the following powers and duties:

   (1) Policy, planning and coordination of state housing

functions. The commission shall have the power and duty:

   (i) To prepare and adopt the state's plans for housing;

provided, however, that this provision shall not be interpreted to contravene

the prerogative of the state planning council to adopt a state guide plan for


   (ii) To prepare, adopt, and issue the state's housing policy.

   (iii) To conduct research on and make reports regarding

housing issues in the state.

   (iv) To advise the governor and general assembly on housing

issues and to coordinate housing activities among government agencies and

agencies created by state law or providing housing services under government


   (2) Establish, implement, and monitor state performance

measures and guidelines for housing programs. The commission shall have the

power and the duty:

   (i) To promulgate performance measures and guidelines for

housing programs conducted under state law.

   (ii) To monitor and evaluate housing responsibilities

established by state law, and to establish a process for annual reporting on

the outcomes of the programs and investments of the state in housing for low

and moderate income people.

   (iii) To hear and resolve disputes pertaining to housing


   (3) Administer the programs pertaining to housing

resources that may be assigned by state law. The commission shall have the

power and duty to administer programs for housing, housing services, and

community development, including, but not limited to, programs pertaining to:

   (i) Abandoned properties and the remediation of blighting


   (ii) Lead abatement and to manage a lead hazard abatement

program in cooperation with the Rhode Island housing and mortgage finance


   (iii) Services for the homeless.

   (iv) Rental assistance.

   (v) Community development.

   (vi) Outreach, education and technical assistance services.

   (vii) Assistance, including financial support, to non-profit

organizations and community development corporations.

   (viii) Tax credits that assist in the provision of housing or

foster community development or that result in support to non-profit

organizations performing functions to accomplish the purposes of this chapter.

   (ix) The Supportive Services Program, the purpose of which is

to help prevent and end homelessness among those who have experienced long-term

homelessness and for whom certain services in addition to housing are

essential. State funding for this program may leverage other resources for the

purpose of providing supportive services. Services provided pursuant to this

subsection may include, but not be limited to: assistance with budgeting and

paying rent; access to employment; encouraging tenant involvement in facility

management and policies; medication monitoring and management; daily living

skills related to food, housekeeping and socialization; counseling to support

self-identified goals; referrals to mainstream health, mental health and

treatment programs; and conflict resolution.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1998, ch. 31, art. 29, § 1; P.L. 2008, ch. 354, § 1; P.L. 2008,

ch. 376, § 1.)