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WAC 208-424-030: Frequency of regular meetings of board of directors of small credit unions

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-424 > Section 208-424-030


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WAC 208-424-030

Frequency of regular meetings of board of directors of small credit unions.

In regard to timing of regular board meetings, RCW 31.12.225(5) states:
"The board will have regular meetings not less frequently than once each month."
A small credit union may vary from RCW 31.12.225(5) as provided in its bylaws. However, a small credit union must have at least nine regular board meetings each calendar year, and consecutive regular board meetings must be no more than ten weeks apart. In all other respects, a small credit union must comply with RCW 31.12.225.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 31.12.516 (2), (3), (4), 43.17.060, 43.320.040. WSR 02-14-038, § 208-424-030, filed 6/26/02, effective 7/27/02.]