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WAC 296-833-30005: Provide electricity and lighting to temporary housing areas

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-833 > Section 296-833-30005



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WAC 296-833-30005

Provide electricity and lighting to temporary housing areas.

You must:
(1) Supply electricity to all:
– Dwelling units
– Kitchen facilities
– Shower/bathroom facilities
– Common areas
– Laundry facilities.
You need to follow additional requirements for electricity and lighting. See WAC 296-800-280, Basic electrical rules, in the safety and health core rules book for more information.
(2) Provide lighting to camp buildings.
• Make sure general lighting and task lighting are adequate for normal daily activities
• Make sure living quarters have:
– One ceiling-type light fixture
– One separate floor or wall convenience outlet.
• Make sure laundry rooms, toilet rooms, and other common areas have at least:
– One ceiling light fixture
– A wall light fixture.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.[17.]040, 49.[17.]050, and 49.[17.]060. WSR 02-23-073, § 296-833-30005, filed 11/19/02, effective 1/1/03.]