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WAC 246-335-105: Supervision Of Home Care

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-335 > Section 246-335-105



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 246-335-105

Supervision of home care.

The following supervision requirements only apply to home care agencies:
(1) The licensee must employ a supervisor of direct care services;
(2) The supervisor or designee must be available during all hours of client care;
(3) The supervisor of direct care services must designate in writing a similarly qualified alternate to act in the supervisor's absence;
(4) The supervisor of direct care services must assure:
(a) Supervision of all client care provided by personnel and volunteers;
(b) Evaluation of services provided by contractors;
(c) Coordination, development and revision of written client care policies;
(d) Participation in coordination of services when more than one licensee is providing care to the client;
(e) Compliance with the plan of care;
(f) All direct care personnel, contractors, and volunteers observe and recognize changes in the client's needs, and report any changes to the director or designee;
(g) All direct care personnel, contractors, and volunteers initiate emergency procedures according to agency policy;
(h) Each home care aide reviews the plan of care or written instructions for the care of each client prior to providing home care aide services and whenever there is a change in the plan of care; and
(i) Each home care aide assists with medications according to WAC 246-335-015, and agency policy; and
(5) The licensee must document supervision including, but not limited to, client contact every six months by phone or visit to evaluate compliance with the plan of care and to assess client satisfaction.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.127 RCW. WSR 02-18-026, § 246-335-105, filed 8/23/02, effective 10/1/02.]