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WAC 388-107-1130: Liability insurance required-Professional liability insurance coverage

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-107 > Section 388-107-1130



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-107-1130

Liability insurance required—Professional liability insurance coverage.

The enhanced services facility must have professional liability insurance or error and omissions insurance if the enhanced services facility licensee has a professional license, or employs professionally licensed staff. The insurance must include: (1) Coverage for losses caused by errors and omissions of the enhanced services facility, its employees, and volunteers; and (2) Minimum limits of: (a) Each occurrence at one million dollars; and (b) Aggregate at two million dollars. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.97 RCW. WSR 14-19-071, § 388-107-1130, filed 9/12/14, effective 10/13/14.]