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WAC 326-20-070: Counting ownership held in trust

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 326 > Chapter 326-20 > Section 326-20-070



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 326-20-070

Counting ownership held in trust.

In determining whether the fifty-one percent ownership requirement is met, no stock or ownership held in trust shall be counted, except in the following cases:
(1) Where both the trustee and the beneficiary are minorities, or both are women, or both are socially and economically disadvantaged individuals, and the trustee meets the control requirement; or
(2) Where the stock or ownership is held in an irrevocable trust for the benefit of a minority, a woman, or a socially and economically disadvantaged individual, and the minority, woman, or socially and economically disadvantaged beneficiary meets the control requirement.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 39.19.030 and 39.19.120. WSR 04-08-093, § 326-20-070, filed 4/6/04, effective 5/7/04. Statutory Authority: RCW 39.19.030(7). WSR 92-11-007, § 326-20-070, filed 5/11/92, effective 6/11/92. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 120 § 3(7). WSR 83-22-045 (Order 83-3), § 326-20-070, filed 10/28/83.]