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WAC 173-527-010: Authority And Purpose

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-527 > Section 173-527-010

Beginning of Chapter    


Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 173-527-010

Authority and purpose.

(1) The department of ecology (ecology) adopts this chapter under the Watershed Planning Act (chapter 90.82 RCW), Water Resources Act of 1971 (chapter 90.54 RCW), Minimum Water Flows and Levels Act (chapter 90.22 RCW), Water code (chapter 90.03 RCW), Regulation of public groundwaters (chapter 90.44 RCW), RCW 43.21A.064(9), and 43.21A.080.
(2) This chapter shall not affect existing water rights, unless otherwise stated in the conditions of the water right in question. It shall also not affect federal Indian and non-Indian reserved rights.
(3) This chapter does not limit ecology's authority to establish flow requirements or conditions under other laws, including hydropower licensing under RCW 90.48.260.
(4) The Salmon-Washougal and Lewis watershed management plan (plan) recommendations were approved in 2006 by the Salmon-Washougal and Lewis planning unit (planning unit) in accord with RCW 90.82.130. The planning unit is a group made up of Clark, Skamania, and Cowlitz county commissioners and a broad range of water use interests. Ecology shall use the plan as the framework for making future water resource decisions in the Lewis watershed. Ecology shall rely upon the plan as a primary consideration in determining the public interest related to such decisions, including this rule adoption.
(5) Ecology shall initiate a review of this chapter whenever new information, changing conditions, or statutory modifications make it necessary to consider revisions. Ecology and the planning unit should periodically evaluate the effectiveness of this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 90.82, 90.54, 90.22, 90.03, and 90.44 RCW. WSR 09-01-126 (Order 08-02), § 173-527-010, filed 12/19/08, effective 1/19/09.]