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WAC 434-750-100: Campaign Executives

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 434 > Chapter 434-750 > Section 434-750-100



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 434-750-100

Campaign executives.

Agency directors, elected officials and higher education presidents are authorized and encouraged to designate employees the opportunity to serve as CFD campaign executives to assist in the conduct of the CFD campaign. The CFD campaign executive opportunity is a rotational assignment that develops leadership, communication, and teamwork skills that will benefit the employing organization upon the employee's return. Those appointed as CFD campaign executives remain on the payroll of their employing organization during this assignment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.04.033. WSR 10-16-017, § 434-750-100, filed 7/22/10, effective 8/22/10.]