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WAC 446-75-010: Definitions

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 446 > Chapter 446-75 > Section 446-75-010

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Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 446-75-010


(1) "Applicant" means a person requesting the patrol to expunge his or her DNA record retained in the patrol's DNA identification system. (2) "Biological sample" means a buccal swab (a swabbing of the inside of the mouth between the cheek and gum) using a buccal swab collection kit provided by the patrol. When a buccal swab cannot be obtained from the convicted offender, a bloodstain collected by a finger stick may be taken from the convicted offender as a biological sample under this chapter. (3) "DNA" means deoxyribonucleic acid. (4) "DNA identification" means a DNA profile developed from cells of the human body that identifies a person. (5) "DNA record" means the convicted offender's DNA profile, the originating agency identifier, the specimen identification number, and the identification of the patrol's personnel associated with the DNA profile analysis. (6) "Convicted offender" means a person who is required to submit a biological sample pursuant to RCW 43.43.754. (7) "DNA identification system" means a data base containing the DNA records from individuals convicted of felony offenses and other crimes as specified in RCW 43.43.754. (8) "Patrol" means the chief of the Washington state patrol or his or her designee. [Statutory Authority: RCW 43.43.759. WSR 14-17-108, § 446-75-010, filed 8/19/14, effective 9/19/14; WSR 03-08-053, § 446-75-010, filed 3/28/03, effective 4/28/03; WSR 91-11-046, § 446-75-010, filed 5/14/91, effective 6/14/91.]