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WAC 296-155-625: Site Clearing

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 296 > Chapter 296-155 > Section 296-155-625



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 296-155-625

Site clearing.

(1) General.
(a) The word "clearing" means the removal of trees, stumps, logs, brush, debris and rubbish from the surface of the ground in preparation of a site for construction work of any kind. The removal of trees and logs shall be in accordance with the requirements of chapter 296-54 WAC.
(b) All equipment and tools such as axes, sledges, wedges, saws, springboards, etc., shall be maintained in a safe condition and guarded with standard safeguards.
(c) Fallers shall give warning to brushing crews, buckers and other persons in the vicinity where a tree is being felled; taking notice that such persons are not only out of the reach of tree, but also out of danger of possible sidewinders, snags or other trees which may be knocked over by the tree being felled.
(d) Trees must not be felled toward and within range of a traveled road or operational railroad unless a flagger is used to stop all approaching persons, vehicles, or railroad equipment. Flaggers and flagging activities at the site must comply with the requirements of WAC 296-155-305.
(e) Clearing crews shall not be placed immediately below other crews working on hillsides where there is a possible danger of skidding or rolling trees, moving earth or rock.
(f) Pioneer roads on clearing operations shall be constructed to safely accommodate all equipment moved over road.
(g) Hazardous standing and down timber, rocks, etc., shall be moved from upper sides of cuts on side hill operations.
(h) Care shall be exercised in the use of oil for burning brush or timber.
(i) Employees engaged in site clearing shall be protected from hazards of irritant and toxic plants and suitably instructed in the first-aid treatment available.
(j) All equipment used in site clearing operations shall be equipped with rollover guards meeting the requirements of this chapter. In addition, rider-operated equipment shall be equipped with an overhead and rear canopy guard meeting the following requirements:
(i) The overhead covering on this canopy structure shall be of not less than 1/8-inch steel plate or 1/4-inch woven wire mesh with openings no greater than 1 inch, or equivalent.
(ii) The opening in the rear of the canopy structure shall be covered with not less than 1/4-inch woven wire mesh with openings no greater than 1 inch.
(iii) Use of 1/2 inch thick plastic sheets or other thicknesses of plastic panels derived from polycarbonate, acrylic, cellulose acetate butyrate which provides equivalent or better protection against particular hazards involved is acceptable in lieu of 1 or 1 3/4 inch open mesh material.
(A) All panels shall be installed in a manner which can withstand the initial impact, and maintain the protective barrier integrity; and
(B) All panels must be labeled or marked to distinguish between acceptable and inferior materials.
(k) In addition to observance of the general safety and health standards;
(i) The employer shall assume the responsibility of work assignment so that no worker shall be required to work in a position or location so isolated as to not be within ordinary calling distance of another person who can render assistance in case of emergency. In any operation where cutting, felling trees, loading, or a combination of these duties is carried on, there shall be a minimum crew of two persons who shall work as a team and shall be in visual or voice contact with one another. If one worker at these operations is required to be left alone for a period of time, the worker shall be contacted by another person at reasonable intervals not to exceed fifteen minutes unless such practice can be established to be impractical.
(ii) This does not apply to operators of motor vehicles, watchpersons or certain other jobs which, by their nature, are singular worker assignments. However, a definite procedure for checking the welfare of all workers during working hours shall be instituted and all workers so advised.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, [49.17].050, 2000 c 239, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 01-04-015, § 296-155-625, filed 1/26/01, effective 2/28/01. Statutory Authority: Chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 94-15-096 (Order 94-07), § 296-155-625, filed 7/20/94, effective 9/20/94; WSR 91-03-044 (Order 90-18), § 296-155-625, filed 1/10/91, effective 2/12/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040 and 49.17.050. WSR 86-03-074 (Order 86-14), § 296-155-625, filed 1/21/86; Order 74-26, § 296-155-625, filed 5/7/74, effective 6/6/74.]