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WAC 173-441-080: Standardized methods and conversion factors incorporated by reference

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 173 > Chapter 173-441 > Section 173-441-080



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 173-441-080

Standardized methods and conversion factors incorporated by reference.

(1) The materials incorporated by reference by EPA in 40 C.F.R. § 98.7, as adopted by January 1, 2015, are incorporated by reference in this chapter for use in the sections of this chapter that correspond to the sections of 40 C.F.R. Part 98 referenced here. (2) Table A–2 of this section provides a conversion table for some of the common units of measure used in this chapter. Table A-2: Units of Measure Conversions

To convert from To Multiply by

Kilograms (kg) Pounds (lbs) 2.20462

Pounds (lbs) Kilograms (kg) 0.45359

Pounds (lbs) Metric tons 4.53592 x 10-4

Short tons Pounds (lbs) 2,000

Short tons Metric tons 0.90718

Metric tons Short tons 1.10231

Metric tons Kilograms (kg) 1,000

Cubic meters (m3) Cubic feet (ft3) 35.31467

Cubic feet (ft3) Cubic meters (m3) 0.028317

Gallons (liquid, US) Liters (l) 3.78541

Liters (l) Gallons (liquid, US) 0.26417

Barrels of liquid fuel (bbl) Cubic meters (m3) 0.15891

Cubic meters (m3) Barrels of liquid fuel (bbl) 6.289

Barrels of liquid fuel (bbl) Gallons (liquid, US) 42

Gallons (liquid, US) Barrels of liquid fuel (bbl) 0.023810

Gallons (liquid, US) Cubic meters (m3) 0.0037854

Liters (l) Cubic meters (m3) 0.001

Feet (ft) Meters (m) 0.3048

Meters (m) Feet (ft) 3.28084

Miles (mi) Kilometers (km) 1.60934

Kilometers (km) Miles (mi) 0.62137

Square feet (ft2) Acres 2.29568 x 10-5

Square meters (m2) Acres 2.47105 x 10-4

Square miles (mi2) Square kilometers (km2) 2.58999

Degrees Celsius (°C) Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) °C = (5/9) x (°F - 32)

Degrees Fahrenheit (°F) Degrees Celsius (°C) °F = (9/5) x (°C + 32)

Degrees Celsius (°C) Kelvin (K) K = °C + 273.15

Kelvin (K) Degrees Rankine (°R) 1.8

Joules Btu 9.47817 x 10-4

Btu MMBtu 1 x 10-6

Pascals (Pa) Inches of Mercury (in Hg) 2.95334 x 10-4

Inches of Mercury (in Hg) Pounds per square inch (psi) 0.49110

Pounds per square inch (psi) Inches of Mercury (in Hg) 2.03625

[Statutory Authority: Chapters 70.235 and 70.94 RCW. WSR 15-04-051 (Order 13-13), § 173-441-080, filed 1/29/15, effective 3/1/15. Statutory Authority: 2010 c 146, and chapters 70.235 and 70.94 RCW. WSR 10-24-108 (Order 10-08), § 173-441-080, filed 12/1/10, effective 1/1/11.]