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WAC 461-08-520: Rules of evidence-Official notice-Matters of law

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 461 > Chapter 461-08 > Section 461-08-520



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 461-08-520

Rules of evidence—Official notice—Matters of law.

The board and its hearing officers, upon request made before or during a hearing, will officially notice:
(1) Federal law. The Constitution; congressional acts, resolutions, records, journals and committee reports; decisions of federal courts and administrative agencies; executive orders and proclamations; and all rules, orders and notices published in the Federal Register.

(2) State law. The Constitution of the state of Washington, acts of the legislature, resolutions, records, journals and committee reports; decisions of Washington state courts and administrative agencies; executive orders and proclamations by the governor; and all rules, orders and notices filed with the code reviser.
(3) Governmental organization. Organization, territorial limitations, officers, departments, and general administration of the government of the state of Washington, the United States, the several states and foreign nations.
(4) Agency organization. The department, commission or board organization, administration, officers, personnel, official publications, and practitioners before its bar.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.58.175 and Den Beste v. Washington, No. 13967-1-III (Div. III, April 18, 1996). WSR 96-17-017, § 461-08-520, filed 8/12/96, effective 9/12/96.]