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WAC 383-06-121: Payment of cash awards-Agency unique suggestion program

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 383 > Chapter 383-06 > Section 383-06-121



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WAC 383-06-121

Payment of cash awards—Agency unique suggestion program.

(1) Cash awards shall be based on the payment award scale developed and maintained by the productivity board and outlined in WAC 383-06-125.
(2) Awards for suggestions which will result in actual cost savings shall be determined by the agency after consideration of the savings to be effected in accordance with the payment award scale outlined in WAC 383-06-125.
(3) Suggestions which will result in cost-avoidance, intangible improvements such as benefits in safety, health, welfare, morale, etc., or when savings cannot be calculated shall receive internal recognition from the agency permitted through RCW 41.60.150. The award shall not exceed the amount permitted in RCW 41.60.150. The nature and extent of the award shall be determined by the agency in light of the payment award scale outlined in WAC 383-06-125.
(4) The acceptance of cash awards shall constitute an agreement that the use by the state of Washington of the suggestion for which the award is made shall not form the basis for a further claim of any nature upon the state by the employee or the employee's heirs or assignees. Upon adoption the suggested idea becomes the property of the state of Washington.
(5) When a suggestion is submitted by more than one employee, any resulting award will be shared by the cosuggesters listed on the suggestion form.
(6) Cash awards may not be used for the purpose of computing a retirement allowance under any public retirement system of the state.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.60 RCW. WSR 99-24-093, § 383-06-121, filed 11/30/99, effective 1/1/00.]