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WAC 208-12-110: Denials of public records requests-Review

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-12 > Section 208-12-110



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WAC 208-12-110

Denials of public records requests—Review.

(1) If a request for a public record is denied, the person denying it will send the requester a written statement giving the reason for the denial. If based on an exemption, the written statement will give the specific exemption authorizing the withholding of the record and a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the record withheld. A copy of the denial will be immediately forwarded to the director or designee for review.
(2) The director or designee will consider the denial and affirm or reverse it within two business days. The original denial becomes final if the director does not respond within two business days.
(3) Administrative remedies are not exhausted until the close of the second full business day following the original denial of inspection.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.320.040 and 42.17.250. WSR 96-14-082, § 208-12-110, filed 7/1/96, effective 8/1/96.]