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WAC 365-230-210: Determinations of lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 365 > Chapter 365-230 > Section 365-230-210



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 365-230-210

Determinations of lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards.

(1) Lead-based paint is present:
(a) On any surface that is tested and found to contain lead equal to or in excess of 1.0 milligrams per square centimeter, equal to or in excess of 5,000 parts per million, or equal to or in excess of 0.5 percent by weight; and
(b) On any surface similar to a surface tested in the same room equivalent that has a similar painting history and is found to be lead-based paint.
(2) A paint-lead hazard is present:
(a) On any friction surface that is subject to abrasion and where the lead dust levels on the nearest horizontal surface (e.g., the window sill or floor) are equal to or greater than the dust hazard levels identified in the "clearance examination standards" definition of these rules;
(b) On any chewable lead-based paint surface on which there is evidence of teeth marks;
(c) Where there is any damaged or otherwise deteriorated lead-based paint on an impact surface that is caused by impact from a related building component (such as a door knob that knocks into a wall or a door that knocks against a door frame); and
(d) If there is any other deteriorated lead-based paint in any residential building or child-occupied facility or on the exterior of any residential building or child-occupied facility.
(3) A dust lead-hazard is present in a residential dwelling or child-occupied facility:
(a) In a residential dwelling on floors and interior window sills when the weighted arithmetic mean lead loading for all single surface or composite samples of floors and interior window sills is equal to or greater than 40 µg/ft2 for floors and 250 µg/ft2 for interior window sills, respectively;
(b) On floors or interior window sills in an unsampled residential dwelling in a multifamily dwelling, if a dust-lead hazard is present on floors or interior window sills, respectively, in at least one sampled residential unit on the property; and
(c) On floors or interior window sills in an unsampled common area in a multifamily dwelling, if a dust-lead hazard is present on floors or interior window sills, respectively in at least one sampled common area in the same common area group on the property.
(4) A soil-lead hazard is present in a residential dwelling or child-occupied facility when the soil-lead concentration from a composite sample of bare soil is equal to or greater than 250 ppm.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.103.10 [70.103.010], 70.103.20 [70.103.020], 70.103.30 [70.103.030], 70.103.40 [70.103.040], 70.103.50 [70.103.050], 70.10.80 [70.103.080], and 70.103.90 [70.103.090]. WSR 11-07-067, § 365-230-210, filed 3/21/11, effective 4/21/11. Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.103 RCW. WSR 07-07-044, § 365-230-210, filed 3/13/07, effective 4/13/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.103.0030(2) [70.103.030(2)], 70.103.020, 70.103.030, 70.103.040, 70.103.050, 70.103.060, 70.103.070, 70.103.080, 70.103.090. WSR 04-10-037, § 365-230-210, filed 4/29/04, effective 5/30/04.]