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WAC 208-532-040: Examination-Frequency-Scope

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 208 > Chapter 208-532 > Section 208-532-040



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 208-532-040


The accountant selected to audit the books of account of an alien office shall be an independent accountant licensed to practice by the state of Washington and who is not an employee, officer, or holder of the securities of the alien bank or its subsidiaries. Such accountant must have knowledge and experience with respect to auditing books of international corporations. A resume' of such accountant wherein the knowledge and experience is set forth must accompany the alien bank's request that such accountant be approved by the director. The report of such independent accountant shall be based upon an audit made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards without limitation on its scope and shall be unqualified.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 30.04.030 and 43.320.040. WSR 00-18-103, amended and recodified as § 208-532-040, filed 9/6/00, effective 10/7/00; Order 23, § WSR 50-32-040, filed 8/14/73.]