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WAC 392-300-060: Protection of fingerprint record information by educational service districts, state school for the deaf, state school for the blind, school districts, and Bureau of Indian Affairs funded schools

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-300 > Section 392-300-060



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 392-300-060

Protection of fingerprint record information by educational service districts, state school for the deaf, state school for the blind, school districts, and Bureau of Indian Affairs funded schools.

Educational service districts, state school for the deaf, state school for the blind, school districts, and Bureau of Indian Affairs funded schools shall have policies and procedures to:
(1) Protect the confidentiality of fingerprint record information, including the secure location of RAP sheets;
(2) Limit access to authorized personnel processing or requiring fingerprint record information to make employment decisions; and
(3) Prevent the unlawful redissemination of fingerprint record information.
Noncompliance with these provisions may allow for the recovery of civil damages under applicable federal and state statutes.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.400.303, 28A.410.090. WSR 07-19-012, § 392-300-060, filed 9/7/07, effective 10/8/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.150.290(1). WSR 02-06-044, § 392-300-060, filed 2/27/02, effective 3/30/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.400.303, 28A.400.306, 28A.410.010 and 1996 c 126. WSR 96-17-045 (Order 96-12), § 392-300-060, filed 8/19/96, effective 9/19/96.]