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WAC 100-100-100: Invitation To The Public

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 100 > Chapter 100-100 > Section 100-100-100



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 100-100-100

Invitation to the public.

The commission enthusiastically believes the 1989 Centennial of Washington's statehood should be an event celebrated by, enjoyed by, participated in, and positively affecting the greatest number and variety of Washingtonians as possible — young, old, of varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds and interests. The commission encourages and actively seeks citizen input, thoughts, and suggestions, to the end that, in 1989, all Washingtonians can join in and say "CELEBRATE! '89" — our state's past and its future.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 27.60 RCW. WSR 85-03-011 (Resolution No. 84-2), § 100-100-100, filed 1/4/85.]