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RCW 16.24.030: Order establishing area—Publication

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 16 > Chapter 16.24 > Section 16.24.030



RCW 16.24.030

Order establishing area—Publication.

Within thirty days after the conclusion of any such hearing the county legislative authority shall make an order describing the stock restricted areas within the county where livestock may not run at large, which order shall be entered upon the records of the county and published in a newspaper having general circulation in such county at least once each week for four successive weeks.
[1989 c 286 § 6; 1937 c 40 § 3; 1923 c 33 § 2; 1911 c 25 § 3; RRS § 3070.]


Severability—1989 c 286: See note following RCW 16.04.010.