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WAC 16-231-110: When are oil-type carriers prohibited?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 16 > Chapter 16-231 > Section 16-231-110



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 16-231-110

When are oil-type carriers prohibited?

On and after April 5 through October 31, oil-type carriers are prohibited for brush control: Provided, That oil-type carriers may be used in invert systems the entire year.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 17.21, 15.58, and 34.05 RCW. WSR 07-11-041A, § 16-231-110, filed 5/9/07, effective 6/9/07. Statutory Authority: Chapters 15.58 and 17.21 RCW. WSR 80-03-037 (Order 1676), § 16-231-110, filed 2/20/80.]