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WAC 260-28-210: Trainer-Substitute for absent trainer

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 260 > Chapter 260-28 > Section 260-28-210



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 260-28-210

Trainer—Substitute for absent trainer.

If a trainer will be absent from the track where his or her horses are participating in races, the trainer must first obtain a licensed trainer to substitute for him or her during the trainer's absence. The substitute trainer must be approved by a steward prior to the original trainer's absence. The original trainer remains the absolute insurer of any horses he or she has entered. Once a substitute trainer has been approved by a steward, the substitute trainer will then become the absolute insurer of any additional horses he or she may enter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. WSR 07-07-007, § 260-28-210, filed 3/8/07, effective 4/8/07; Order 4, § 260-28-210, filed 12/24/69; Rules of racing, § 284, filed 4/21/61.]