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WAC 468-06-040: How is the department of transportation organized?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 468 > Chapter 468-06 > Section 468-06-040



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 468-06-040

How is the department of transportation organized?

The department of transportation is a statutorily created agency of the state of Washington. We have headquarters, division, and regional offices.
The department of transportation organization chart:




[Statutory Authority: Chapters 42.17, 42.56 RCW. WSR 08-16-030, § 468-06-040, filed 7/29/08, effective 8/29/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.031. WSR 03-09-103, § 468-06-040, filed 4/22/03, effective 5/23/03; WSR 02-10-021, § 468-06-040, filed 4/23/02, effective 5/24/02. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.101. WSR 99-07-013, § 468-06-040, filed 3/8/99, effective 4/8/99. Statutory Authority: Chapter 42.17 RCW and RCW 47.01.101. WSR 96-16-004 (Order 163), § 468-06-040, filed 7/24/96, effective 8/24/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 42.17.250 through 42.17.340. WSR 89-17-047 (Order 120), § 468-06-040, filed 8/14/89, effective 9/14/89; WSR 85-23-040 (Order 97), § 468-06-040, filed 11/18/85. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-06-040, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-03-030.]