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WAC 67-75-020: Referral for services

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 67 > Chapter 67-75 > Section 67-75-020



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 67-75-020

Referral for services.

(1) Referrals of blind/visually impaired individuals, blind/visually impaired individuals with significant other medical problems, and blind/visually impaired multiply disabled individuals shall be accepted from all sources.
(2) All referrals to the independent living program may be made either through the department of services for the blind or directly to one of the department's independent living contract providers.
(3) Department personnel may refer individuals to the independent living program as a result of reviewing current and past cases which have been found to be ineligible for vocational rehabilitation services.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 74.18 RCW. WSR 99-05-005, § 67-75-020, filed 2/4/99, effective 3/7/99. Statutory Authority: 1983 c 194 § 18. WSR 84-01-045 (Order 83-11), § 67-75-020, filed 12/15/83.]