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WAC 490-105-030: How are words and phrases used in these rules?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 490 > Chapter 490-105 > Section 490-105-030



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 490-105-030

How are words and phrases used in these rules?

(1) The following clarifies the statutory exemptions under RCW 28C.10.030:
(a) "Avocational" or "recreational" means instruction that is primarily intended for leisure; it is not offered to provide a student with employable skills or competencies. Instruction offered as a prerequisite for a vocational program does not qualify for this exemption.
(b) "Entities not otherwise exempt offering only workshops or seminars lasting no longer than three calendar days" means instruction that can be completed within three eight-hour days. A vocational education program divided into a series of supplementary seminars does not qualify for this exemption.
(c) "Programs of continuing professional education" include:
(i) Review programs offered solely as preparation for tests leading to certification in specific disciplines but not offered to provide occupational competencies. For example, this exemption applies to test preparation programs that lead to: Certification by a state board of accountancy (CPA); certification by the institute of certified management accounting (CMA); admission to practice before a state bar; certification in health occupations initiated by the American Medical Association, American Dental Association, and their respective professional auxiliaries; and, acquisition of other public certificates of convenience and necessity; and
(ii) Programs offered to conform with rules adopted by state agencies that require practitioners to undergo continuing professional education as a condition to renewing certification or licensure.
(2) The term "revoke" as used in RCW 28C.10.050(3) means an agency action that terminates a school's license. The agency's executive director or designee may revoke a school's license for just cause.
(3) The term "suspend" as used in RCW 28C.10.050(3) means an action by which the agency interrupts the school's authority to make offers of training. The agency's executive director or designee may suspend a school's license for just cause. An order of suspension prohibits the school from beginning instruction of new students for a maximum of thirty days. The school may remain in operation to continue training students in regular attendance on the date the suspension takes effect.
(4) The term "private vocational school" is further defined to include instruction at the postsecondary level that is intended for use by individuals who have either completed high school or are beyond the age of compulsory school attendance. Instruction or training offered to pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary, or secondary school students is not encompassed by the act.
(5) "At risk" means the school demonstrates a pattern or history of one or more of the following conditions that the agency determines raise doubts for the continued successful and profitable operation of the organization:
(a) Failure to meet the standards of financial responsibility;
(b) Misrepresentation;
(c) A decrease in enrollment from the previous reporting period of fifty percent or more or twenty-five students, whichever is greater;
(d) Frequent substantiated complaints filed with the agency;
(e) Staff turnover from the previous year of fifty percent or more or three staff, whichever is greater; and
(f) Conditions listed in (c) and (e) of this subsection, caused by unusual circumstances, shall be evaluated by the agency and exceptions may be granted.
(6) "Distance education" means education provided by written correspondence or any electronic medium for students who are enrolled in a private vocational school in pursuit of an identified occupational objective, but are not attending classes at an approved site or training establishment.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28.10.040 [28C.10.040]. WSR 08-04-110, § 490-105-030, filed 2/6/08, effective 3/8/08. Statutory Authority: RCW 28C.10.040(2). WSR 98-22-033, § 490-105-030, filed 10/29/98, effective 11/29/98.]