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WAC 246-840-310: Use and protection of professional titles

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 246 > Chapter 246-840 > Section 246-840-310



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 246-840-310

Use and protection of professional titles.

(1) Any person who holds a license to practice as an ARNP shall have the right to use the title "advanced registered nurse practitioner" or "nurse practitioner" and the abbreviation following the nurse's name shall read "ARNP" or "NP."
(2) The ARNP may also use the title or abbreviation designated by the approved certifying body.
(3) No other person shall assume such titles or use such abbreviations.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.79.010, [18.79.]050, [18.79.]110, and [18.79.]210. WSR 09-01-060, § 246-840-310, filed 12/11/08, effective 1/11/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.79.110 and 18.79.050. WSR 00-21-119, § 246-840-310, filed 10/18/00, effective 11/18/00. Statutory Authority: Chapter 18.79 RCW. WSR 97-13-100, § 246-840-310, filed 6/18/97, effective 7/19/97.]