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WAC 260-44-150: Horseshoes

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 260 > Chapter 260-44 > Section 260-44-150


End of Chapter

Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 260-44-150


(1) A horse starting in a race must be fully shod with racing plates, unless approval, as described in this subsection, is obtained to allow for any other condition relating to horseshoes. Horses racing partially, or completely unshod, must be approved by the official veterinarian, declared at time of entry and noted in the official program.
(2) During off-track conditions the trainer is required to report any additional traction devices to the board of stewards or designee.
(3) For turf racing, horses must be shod with racing plates approved by the association.
(4) Toe grabs with a height greater than two millimeters, worn on the front shoes of thoroughbred horses while racing or training on any surface or conditions are prohibited.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020. WSR 11-09-042, § 260-44-150, filed 4/15/11, effective 5/16/11. Statutory Authority: RCW 67.16.020 and 67.16.040. WSR 09-03-011, § 260-44-150, filed 1/8/09, effective 2/8/09; WSR 08-01-053, § 260-44-150, filed 12/13/07, effective 1/13/08; WSR 07-07-035, § 260-44-150, filed 3/12/07, effective 4/12/07; WSR 06-07-063, § 260-44-150, filed 3/10/06, effective 4/10/06.]