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WAC 479-14-121: What projects are eligible for urban program funding

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 479 > Chapter 479-14 > Section 479-14-121



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 479-14-121

What projects are eligible for urban program funding.

Eligible projects are:
(1) Improvements on federally classified arterials;
(2) Within a city qualifying for urban designation upon the next federal census as long as the project carries a federal arterial functional classification; or
(3) Within the urban growth area in counties which are in full compliance with Washington state's Growth Management Act.
Any urban street that is not functionally classified at the time of award must obtain federal functional classification prior to approval to expend board funds.
Sidewalks with five feet minimum clear width are required on both sides of the arterial unless a deviation is granted under WAC 479-14-200.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 47.26 RCW. WSR 12-08-060, § 479-14-121, filed 4/3/12, effective 5/4/12; WSR 07-18-050, § 479-14-121, filed 8/30/07, effective 9/30/07.]