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WAC 434-219-290: Certification of presidential primary by secretary of state

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 434 > Chapter 434-219 > Section 434-219-290



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 434-219-290

Certification of presidential primary by secretary of state.

County canvassing boards shall certify the results of the presidential primary fourteen days following the primary. The county auditor shall transmit the returns to the secretary of state immediately. Not later than twenty-one days following the presidential primary, the secretary of state shall certify the results of the presidential primary and notify the candidates and the chairperson of the national and state committees of each major political party of the votes cast for all candidates listed on the ballot.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 29A.04.611, 29A.04.620, and 29A.04.630. WSR 11-24-064, § 434-219-290, filed 12/6/11, effective 1/6/12. Statutory Authority: RCW 29A.04.611. WSR 07-24-044, § 434-219-290, filed 11/30/07, effective 12/31/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 29.19.070. WSR 03-23-093, § 434-219-290, filed 11/17/03, effective 12/18/03; WSR 00-03-003, § 434-219-290, filed 1/6/00, effective 2/6/00; WSR 96-03-141, recodified as § 434-219-290, filed 1/24/96, effective 2/24/96; WSR 91-18-012, § 434-75-290, filed 8/26/91, effective 9/26/91.]