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RCW 42.52.810: Solicitation for the legislative international trade account—Report

Published: 2015

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RCWs > Title 42 > Chapter 42.52 > Section 42.52.810



RCW 42.52.810

Solicitation for the legislative international trade account—Report.

(1) When soliciting charitable gifts, grants, or donations solely for the legislative international trade account created in *RCW 44.04.270, the president of the senate is presumed not to be in violation of the solicitation and receipt of gift provisions in RCW 42.52.140.
(2) When soliciting charitable gifts, grants, or donations solely for the legislative international trade account created in *RCW 44.04.270, state officers and state employees are presumed not to be in violation of the solicitation and receipt of gift provisions in RCW 42.52.140.
(3) An annual report of the legislative international trade account activities, including a list of receipts and expenditures, shall be published by the president of the senate and submitted to the house of representatives and the senate and be a public record for the purposes of RCW 42.56.070.
[2005 c 274 § 293; 2003 c 265 § 2.]


*Reviser's note: RCW 44.04.270 was recodified as RCW 43.15.050 pursuant to 2006 c 317 § 5.

Part headings not law—Effective date—2005 c 274: See RCW 42.56.901 and 42.56.902.