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WAC 212-12-015: Applicability

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 212 > Chapter 212-12 > Section 212-12-015



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 212-12-015


The provisions of this chapter apply to all facilities for which the director of fire protection is responsible for fire protection and enforcement including:
Adult rehabilitation center.
Alcoholism hospital.
Alcoholism intensive inpatient treatment services.
Alcoholism treatment facility.
Psychiatric hospital.
Before and after school programs.
Boarding home.
Birthing center.
Child care occupancies.
Group care facility.
Group care facilities for severely and multiply handicapped children.
Nursing home.
Transient accommodation.
Public buildings.
Enhanced services facilities.
Examination of premises.
Standard of safety.
Schools—Standards for fire prevention and safety—Plan review and construction inspection.
Removal of fire hazards—Appeal of order—Penalty.
Reports and investigations of fire—Police powers.
Statistical information and reports.
Examination of witnesses.
Criminal prosecution.
Record of fires.
Premises with guard animals—Registration, posting—Acts permitted firefighters—Liability for injury to firefighters.
Hazardous liquid and gas pipeline accidents—Preparedness of local first responders.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.130, 18.46.110, 70.62.290, and 74.15.050. WSR 13-18-066, § 212-12-015, filed 9/3/13, effective 10/4/13. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.20.130, 18.46.110, 18.51.140, 41.12.485, 48.48.030, 48.48.045, 70.62.290, 74.15.050. WSR 08-06-050, § 212-12-015, filed 2/28/08, effective 3/30/08. Statutory Authority: Chapter 19.27 RCW. WSR 02-16-023, § 212-12-015, filed 7/29/02, effective 8/29/02. Statutory Authority: Chapters 43.63A and 48.48 RCW. WSR 93-05-032 (Order 93-02), § 212-12-015, filed 2/16/93, effective 3/19/93.]